1. "It’s a participative view of citizenship." — That's what a small town is and requires. In my 13+ years heading a small town government (at a salary of $1500 (fifteen hundred) / year) where all significant boards were volunteer, I saw the collapse of participation and the rise of protest / complaint. As friend recently put it, "The newcomers look at the town as a hotel. They call up town hall to complain about room service."

2. "the role and character of education in the maintenance of a good polity." — In my 30+ years of university teaching, I saw 'education' devolve from inquiry to 'learning' what the 'authorities / experts' say.

3. "Focus on what you are more than on what you do or what you have." — Straight out of the Taoist handbook: The way to do is to be"

4. "We are told that he was very hardy, traveling barefoot and lightly cloaked, even in inclement weather. He was brave and did his duty. However, while on the march, he would sometimes stand motionless, lost in thought, for up to the better part of a day." — sounds like an old-time Native on the war path! Ready to fight, but only with the guidance of the spirit(s).

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I love #4!

On #1, I think you'll really connect with where we see MacIntyre take this as we look at that in the next 3 essays.

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I do not know who stated this but the quote states that "the best men do not go into politics." We live in a society that accepts illusions as facts. One education for me and another for thee. Public schools were designed to miseducate, indoctrinate the student into magical thinking, linear thinking. The oligarchy has always twisted reality for control. The insisted on an entropic universe that will heat up and die. No creator of the universe, but rather that humanity is the problem, not the solution. There is no limit to growth, human creativity. Time is not a straight line as Einstein proved. Humans cannot fathom the mind of God just as they cannot imagine God as without gender. Why else would God be referred to as him. This is the problem with humans trying to understand the impossible to understand. Every society has a creation story, but I am sure they are all wrong. If they are all right as their adherents say, then they are all wrong by definition. I do not think we were ever meant to know the unknowable, but we do know that we are all connected and that there is something bigger than we. Human nature has to explain our being with some kind of story, and they all do this no matter where on the planet humans live. Superstition is in our DNA. We are not that far removed from the cave and Plato's analogy of the cave is exactly how most humans think that reality is. Shadows on the wall become their reality. I know that we are here for some reason, but it is not to be culled like cattle. Empire has stunted the creativity of humanity, brainwashed us into believing is nothing higher than our own ego. I follow no religious creed other than Deism. All our efforts should be for the enlightenment and betterment of all humanity. This was supposed to be the American system of win win cooperation and industrialization as Hamilton, Franklin, Lincoln, Rosvelt, Kennedy, King all knew was the way and as a result they were murdered. I think Plato was more honest in his thinking. Lyndon Larouche is someone worth reading to find the truth about economics, human advancement and an end to war.

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