Aug 25·edited Aug 25Liked by W.D. James

It was done in WWE wrestling style.

There was word about Kennedy getting offered the VP spot that he turned down. Neither side denied it.

Then there was the videotaped phone call of Kennedy speaking to Trump.


Shortly after, Kennedy appealed to the DNC saying he could beat Trump.

I had a feeling at that time there would be something big! But I thought they were gonna do a Kennedy vs Trump thing.


And then on the tail of the DNC, Kennedy announces this and he's at the rally that afternoon with fireworks and "my hero" intro music.

Well done....

Now let's see if Trump actually gives him a position where he can actually call out big pharma and the framework is there to bring back transparency and safety.

After the COVID debacle, this is the way they can regain trust.

Not through more 1984 like censorship and denial, but opening up to people who have stopped blindly trusting big pharma and the agencies.

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I rely on three instruments: Occam & Hanlon for razors, and Peirce's unBottled Wasp "Stinger" to complete the metaphysical and pragmaticistic toolkit.

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Aug 25Liked by W.D. James

This potential merger does provide a bit of hope, at least more so than the nauseating display of faux “joy” at the DNC bubblegum parade. However, the structure of the US government is such that no one or two or three (when we include Vance) people can alter it to any great degree. In other words, the mind and arms will keep flowing to the genocide no matter who is at the helm.

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True. What any politicians can/will do is limited. Also, even if they did a ton, that would not ‘save’ us. I would like to think we can collectively choose less bad options now and then though and if populists or dissidents or whatever we label things can transcend the old divisions (left/right), I think that does have some fairly significant promise.

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Aug 25Liked by W.D. James

I very much agree. If nothing else, I do enjoy all the pearl clutching from the people who give me shit about voting third party and “electing” Trump. I live in Kentucky for goodness sake.

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Madison Co. Richmond native here. We know stench when we smell it and mendacity's doin' the cookin'. Dark & bloody Mason-Dixon ... a free state ideal worth livin' & dyin' for.

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"Promise" ... much better than 'hope.'❤️

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With Hallam, Arendt, and others, when Stoic 'amor fati' meets its nihilistic nemesis, fatalism is made rational truth in the kingdom of reality under its laws and orders. Hope is chewed and swallowed, like drinking sand in the desert, a fatal mirage.

So, thus not a fan of 'hope' as such, your reasoning and apologetic exposing the delusion is spot-on, all the same! 💯

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Oh, I’m going to keep ‘hope’ in. I don’t use a lot of razors, Occam or Gillette. If we don’t accept the proposition ‘existence is good,’ I don’t see we can ever get ‘value’ off the ground. I take it that hope is just trust in this metaphysical proposition. Regardless of all the waxing of various ‘bads’, good runs deeper.

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“money” not “mind” (although now I have the Rand B song stuck in my head) Stupid autocarrot!

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In all this, we have to keep ‘history’ in mind as an ongoing scrabble and scramble. The development of ‘the west’ out of the 1,000 years of ‘Middle Ages’ was not a straight line and the denouement of the globalist effort to attain world empire will also be a matter of currents and cross currents. We need to be as clear as we can in tactics and strategy, always aware of the impossibility of naming everything.

Many thanks to WD for this post.

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Good article. I think there's potential for Trump to have a good administration to get some things done. Vance, RFK Jr., Tulsi, etc. But ultimately, true change will have to come from the bottom up.

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Amen brother.

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IMO ....

In ancient Platonic pre-Roman Empire times, the ideal ruler is a philosopher king. For their revolutionary liberation of mind and spirit, they were given the Roman Empire. Which 2 of these 3 don't belong?

* Trump (Cult)

* Harris (LEO)

* Cornel West (philosopher candidate on par with MLK)

Through those retrospective lenses, if one hasn't noticed and must ask, they simply don't grasp the truth about the reality of the POTUS2024 debacle juggernaut rolling over us already, well into worldwide warmongering, destruction, and annihilation as a global plague. With contemporaneous clarity here and now, fully held, captive, and being exterminated to extinction, the 14thC Black Death is a Popeye & Olive cartoon for the unnoticing and unknowing enthralled by the monotonous dysfantasy of the story. Dwayne Booth aka Mr. Fish drew it already.

Bitterest of ironies, the best fruits of those ancient musings are swiftly becoming death warrants as the mid-21st century draws nigh. #WholeTruthFive against the 21c Ur fascism (U. Eco) of the 4th Reich and its Ultimate Solution. Glenn Albrecht's PSYCHOTERRATICA WWW (WW3).

How clearly did the audiences of Oppenheimer understand that the capacity, capability, and command of the project all along was to see if they COULD ignite the atmosphere? Scientific survey and warmongering probability say yes, indeed, the null hypothesis in NM was that we couldn't. FF >> here and now, that's dozens of Doomsday buttons. They're always flashing. The United Corporate States of America (UCSA) Empire, grounded in fascism by weaponized proxy, salivates at the very idea of just getting it pressed.

If that's the ideal of a democratic republic ruled by citizens' and peoples' assemblies guided by love of wisdom, then I'm in the worst actual world at the most horrific of times. How about you?



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deletedAug 25·edited Aug 25
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The following was truncated somehow from the original comment .... Am I breaking some Substack or group rules with this?

Last year, Roger Hallam began "Designing the Revolution" (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDUbuoqDvGdd-vigAC6TeP1OPvdH9TqYJ) as the fulfillment and culmination of his decades-long journey from resistance through rebellion to revolution, grounded in peaceful, nonviolent, and unconditionally loving activism. Even as I write this, I'm sitting in a Zoom session with Roger's right-hand compatriot, Robin Boardman and a handful of others (10 total) interested in learning about and taking part in what came to be known as 'R21C' (Revolution in the 21st Century) this summer, during the 2-day international conference launching R21C (see r21c.net).

R21C is still in our formative stage. I'm coordinating and collaborating with Roger, Robin, and a team of passionately (and compassionately) committed volunteers to import R21C into the US from the UK. Anyone interested may reach me by phone or email: +1 (407) 810-7960, terry@r21c.net. We are currently meeting every 'fortnight' (biweekly) to introduce interested parties to the R21C movement. I'll see that anyone reading this who replies with interest confirmed is invited to the next one, Sep 8, noon US EST, I think.

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I'm pretty sure the deleted comment, truncated content restored, is this ....

The prevailing 'wisdom' and entrenched paradigms RE: politics coalesce to form an insidious and toxic brew of Manifest Destiny mythology, laced through with what Hannah Arendt identified as "permanent lies," and what I like to think of as 'semiotic engineering.' The blue-pill effect of this cognitive mickey does in fact blind us not only to truth and reality, but perhaps most importantly to the red-pill awakening which is THE truth of natural reality for each and all of us, namely, that we are in fact actually born into and abide within our commons as humanity.

Our human commons, in other words, is our natural and primary identity. we live and move and have our being and presence. The unifying reality of that essential truth is exactly what the ultra-elite ruling classes have been warmongering against since the dawn of the first civilization. Their greatest fear is that we will awaken to and embrace that truth of our natural identity commons. As the very worst of our kind, for their crimes against nature of destroying the natural commons and burying the truth of our shared identity within that reality -- exploiting, enslaving, and murdering us en masse to ensure their 'victory' and enshrine their evil pathologies as being their divine rights and theirs alone -- under natural cosmic law and order, they lose all stake, rights, and access to those commons.

So, while I definitely align and empathize with the struggle Dugin identifies as "The Great Awakening vs The Great Reset," I avoid viewing, analyzing, communicating and acting upon that conflict using any ideas, terminology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, or heuristics connected to that ideological poison and anything and everything for which it stands.

Tumbling or stumbling into the pervasive dissonance of that Overton window crosses the event horizon from cosmos to chaos, all sense, reference, reason, rationality, sentience, and sapience dissolving into pure noise, no signal whatsoever.

Last year, Roger Hallam began "Designing the Revolution" (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDUbuoqDvGdd-vigAC6TeP1OPvdH9TqYJ) as the fulfillment and culmination of his decades-long journey from resistance through rebellion to revolution, grounded in peaceful, nonviolent, and unconditionally loving activism. Even as I write this, I'm sitting in a Zoom session with Roger's right-hand compatriot Robin Boardman and a handful of others (10 total) interested in learning about and taking part in what came to be known as 'R21C' (Revolution in the 21st Century) this summer, during the 2-day international conference launching R21C (see r21c.net) .

R21C is still in our formative stage. I'm coordinating and collaborating with Roger, Robin, and a team of passionately (and compassionately) committed volunteers to import R21C into the US from the UK. Anyone interested may reach me by phone or email: +1 (407) 810-7960, terry@r21c.net. We are currently meeting every 'fortnight' (biweekly) to introduce interested parties to the R21C movement. I'll see that anyone reading this who replies with interest confirmed is invited to the next one, Sep 8, noon US EST, I think.

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